DecorativeFarm Watch

Similar to Neighbourhood Watch, Farm Watch is run by, and for, members of the rural farming community and is fully supported by the Police. It can be run as a group or simply by a lone individual. Either way, the benefits are the same.

Each individual Farm Watch has a direct link to a local policing team. Members are able to share information about criminal, anti-social and suspicious behaviour in their area, have access to the Devon and Cornwall Alert messaging service, can obtain information about security products and property marking kits as well as attend and take part in rural crime initiatives.

You can also register your property for free at and search for details of stolen property prior to buying any farm equipment.

Here in Devon and Cornwall

Devon and Cornwall both have their own Rural Crime Team. These officers are focused on supporting our farming and rural communities, organising initiatives which tackle key issues including theft, livestock worrying, anti-social behaviour and criminal damage. They work in partnership with the DaCCWA Farm Watch initiative.

Benefits of joining

  • You will receive stickers and signs to display on your property.
  • You will have access to Devon and Cornwall Alert (early information regarding crimes or suspicious behaviour).
  • You will receive advice on how to report suspicious activity.
  • You will be able to access information about security products that reduce theft and increase the chance of offenders being caught.
  • You will be able to register your property and search for details of stolen property prior to buying farm equipment.
  • Have the opportunity to purchase property marking kits at reduced rates.

How to join

It’s free to join Farm Watch. All you need to do is:

  1. Register your details with Devon and Cornwall Alert
  2. contact DaCCWA